Friday, May 29, 2009

Secret Blisters

Check my prints out this summer. Well worth a look, the exhibition is looking sweet this year! x

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Consciousness #1

My world really does mainly just exist in there. As does yours.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

LO-TEC & Super Tennis featured in "The Reel"

Bit of press news, got a copy of April's 'The Reel' in the post today and our Super Tennis video is on it. The Reel features most of the big ads and music videos of the month and it feels good to be rubbing up against the big production and animation studios.

view the video we made by clicking here!!


Editorial - Illustration to accompany article about painful divorces.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Leaky email

Editorial - Bit of a late post this one, but was done when it came out Labour were composing some dodgy emails that were leaked. You almost have to feel sorry for Brown...almost.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Power in Numbers

And here is my entry for the Power in Numbers show. Enjoy.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Get In The Hole!

Editorial - To go within an article about hitting longer drives - time to hit that golf range!

Power In Numbers

Following on from Oli's last post this was my submission for the exhibition.
If you fancy finding out exactly what its about check my blog.

Power in numbers - window

We went to the opening night of the Power in numbers - edition exhibition last nights and had a little look at the screenprints with a beer or two - here is the image i submitted

Monday, May 04, 2009


Aaaaahhg. This image took me fookin ages - its big tho, like 400x600mm and all drawn and coloured with pen and pencil. I cant face explaining it all again here, ive rambled enough tonight, check my blog for the full insight. Night night

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Climbing The Ladder

Thought I'd give myself a bit of a bank holiday kick and set a 3 hour deadline to get this illustration done (from concept to completion). Have to admit it felt a little rushed so is a little sketchy in places... anyhow it's based on a article I read the other day about class and prejudice in the climbing of the social ladder.

Think I've earnt that beer now, happy holidays!